Health Archive

Common Skin Flaws Treated by Cosmetic Services

Maintaining good skin care practices can help prevent many conditions and help keep the skin looking healthy, smooth and firm. Skin problems can occur due to aging, exposure to the environment or any number of other factors. There are some common skin blemishes resulting from genetics or

4 Ways to Deal with TMJ Disorder

Your temporomandibular joints are crucial to a lot of your everyday activities. It’s the joint that allows you to talk, chew and swallow. If something goes wrong, you could end up suffering pain while you chew, or hear clicking, grating or popping sounds when you open or

Feet Pain Treatment in Albany, NY: What Are the Causes of Foot Pain?

When you are in pain from an injury to your foot or ankle, it makes it more difficult to get around the way you are used to. Feet pain treatment in Albany, NY, is the best way to determine what the problem is and get the proper

When Should You See the Foot Doctor in Bronzeville

Nobody likes making doctor visits. It’s a hassle, and it can be expensive, and many of us would just prefer to believe that everything will be fine. Especially when dealing with small but consistent amounts of pain, in areas that are used to be sore, it’s easy

Reasons a Hydrafacial Can Be the Best Thing to Happen to Your Skin

Did you just get back from vacation and are experiencing sun damage effects? Are all-nighters leaving excessive under-eye puffiness? The Hydrafacial MD procedure can help reverse those effects, and when kept as a routine can eliminate the need for multiple products. The universal skin care regimen is