Monthly Archive:: September 2020

Steps to Take After an Accident, Including Hiring an Auto Accident Lawyer Eagle County

When you have been involved in a car accident, there’s a few things that you should do to protect yourself and put yourself in a good position to get the money you need. If you have been injured but capable of calling 911 yourself, do so and

What Documents Should a Debtor Take to a Consultation with a Bankruptcy Law Firm in St. Petersburg FL?

The decision to seek bankruptcy protection is not something that comes easily for many people. When it seems as if there is no other solution, it makes sense to contact a bankruptcy law firm in St. Petersburg FL, and schedule a consultation. Before the day of the

Two Major Benefits of Hiring a Reputable Bail Bondsman in Peoria, AZ

About 50% of U.S. residents get arrested during their adult lives. Going to jail can place substantial stress on people’s lives and disrupt their living situations. The likelihood of these adverse outcomes increases as people spend more time behind bars. Pretrial release is possible by posting bail.

How Can You Support Restaurants in Arizona During the Pandemic?

During this pandemic, you might have found yourself wondering if your favorite restaurants are going to close down for good. And while the future might look uncertain, there are ways you can help your favorite restaurants stay open during this time. Here’s some tips on supporting your

¿Quién es el nuevo director del INVI?

El Instituto Nacional de la Vivienda, ha anunciado hace ya algunas semanas un cambio importante en su dirección. De ahora en adelante, el director de esta institución que vela por el acceso de los dominicanos a una vivienda digna será el Sr. Carlos Bonilla Sánchez. Se trata