3 Times to Make a Call to a Licensed Plumber

by | Sep 15, 2022 | plumbing

Eventually, plumbing problems catch up to nearly everyone. It’s no wonder, considering household plumbing gets used frequently. Here are some tips for those on the fence about when to call a plumber near Covington, GA.

1. Water Is Leaking from a Pipe

Never mess around with a leaky pipe. Although the temptation might be to wrap some plumber’s tape around the leaky pipe and call it fixed, call a plumber instead. Plumber’s tape or putty should be staples in one’s toolbox, but they’re not meant for temporary fixes. To prevent water damage, a plumber must repair the pipe and ensure other pipes aren’t in the same lousy condition.

2. Drains Keep Clogging

Households with drainage issues need a plumber ASAP. If sinks or toilets need constant plunging, something is going on inside the pipe that a plumber needs to address. It could be a deep clog from years of buildup, or it might not be a clog at all. It could be a collapsed sewer pipe. A plumber can quickly figure out what’s going on and make the appropriate repairs.

3. The Drains Smell Like Sewer Water

Whenever one smells the stench of sewer water in their home, it’s time to get a plumber on the scene. There could be a backup in the sewer line, or if a septic tank services the house, the tank might need emptying. A plumber can determine what’s happening.

Contact Liberty Plumbing, if you are looking for a plumber near Covington, GA. Visit LibertyPlumbingAtlanta.com for more information!

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