The Ansul System: A Top Choice for Kitchen Fire Protection

by | Jan 28, 2015 | Business

If you own a diner or restaurant, one of the worst things that could happen is for your facility to end up covered in smoke and ashes. Unfortunately, no restaurant is exempt from the threat of a commercial fire – and measures need to be put in place to prevent or minimize the damage from such an occurrence. An Ansul system is known for its ability to safeguard your investment so that you can keep operating your business and serving patrons.

Restaurant Fires
Kitchen and restaurant fires pose some of the greatest hazards, compared with other types of fires, as a fire can start in a range hood, in ductwork, or on a particular cooking appliance, and then rapidly spread to the whole building. According to research, many eateries end up not re-opening once a fire has struck. Although many restaurant owners take pride in appliances that have become increasingly efficient as well as better-performing cooking oils, these appliances and oils operate at much higher temperatures than their older counterparts. This has created an even larger fire hazard in the food-service industry today.

Ansul System Options
A top-tier fire equipment company offers a wide variety of Ansul fire suppression systems for restaurants. These systems are designed to protect various parts of your restaurant, including your plenums, ductworks, ventilating hoods and cooking equipment, from a sudden blaze. Some of these types of systems can automatically detect a fire and actuate on your restaurant’s behalf, while others are capable of the manual discharge of a wet chemical agent as well as alarm activation and fuel supply shutdown.

What to Search for
Look for a company that has been trained as well as certified in installing and servicing an Ansul system. Illinois fire equipment companies that promote Ansul should be familiar with all types of the company’s unique suppression systems. Take, for instance, the R-102 system, which rapidly extinguishes flames and cools down hot surfaces. You may also be interested in the PIRANHA Dual Agent system, which also rapidly knocks down flames and uses a wet chemical along with water. A reputable provider of fire suppression systems can help you choose the system that best meets your restaurant’s needs.

Getz Fire Equipment Company provides top-notch Ansul fire suppression system services in Illionis. For more information about the company’s products, go to

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