Hire an Attorney Kendallville in Indiana Regarding Child Support

by | Aug 23, 2016 | Legal Services

If you are divorced and your former spouse is no longer willing to pay child support, this is something that needs to be handled by a lawyer. After all, this is money that is rightfully yours. As long as you can provide a divorce decree stating that the former spouse is legally required to pay this money, there should be no question as to how it is spent. There are a number of reasons why a former spouse may not be willing to pay child support. Maybe they can no longer afford it. Maybe they are punishing you for whatever reason. Maybe they are no longer working.

No matter what the situation happens to be, it is important to understand that they are still accountable to pay this money. Maybe they are working for cash. If this is the case, there is no paper trail regarding the amount of money that they are making. No matter what the situation happens to be, it is great to know that there is an Attorney Kendallville in Indiana who will listen to your case and come up with a plan to help collect the money that is necessary to raise these children.In the meantime, don’t allow the children to go without their basic necessities. It is also important to make sure that you don’t complain about the non-custodial parent in front of the children. They don’t need to know whether or not child support is being paid. After all, you don’t want to raise more problems between the children and the other parent.

The Attorney Kendallville in Indiana can explain more on this.Depending on the situation, you may have to wait until they get their tax return to get the money that is rightfully yours. Depending on the amount that they are behind, they may have to go to jail. Every situation is going to be different, and this is why it is helpful to contact a lawyer who will get you started in the right direction of collecting child support on a regular basis. Hopefully, the non-custodial parent will realize that they are making a mistake, and they will pay up. Otherwise, it may have to be garnished from their paycheck. Visit the Website for Grimm & Grimm today.

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