Driving on Slippery, Icy Roads in Illinois: What You Need to Know

by | Apr 5, 2017 | Law

Long winters in Illinois mean treacherous driving, especially for motorcycles. Dedicated bikers who rely on their motorcycles for transportation in the Dekalb area are not going to stay home because of icy road conditions but they should be aware of their responsibilities in keeping themselves and other drivers safe. Practicing a few safety precautions can go a long way towards avoiding a collision that is due to not being prepared for winter roads with ice and other slippery conditions. A motorcycle accident attorney can be helpful in informing you of your legal rights and responsibilities in the state of Illinois, with regards to things like helmet laws and the liability of the organizations responsible for road maintenance as well as the responsibilities of other drivers on the road with you.

Of course, as a dedicated all-weather, year-round motorcyclist, you know the basics. Wear a helmet. Wear protective clothing that not only guards against the elements but protects from chafing and abrasions in case of an accident. Your bike should also be prepped for winter with the right tires and other gear that can make your ride safer, because your bike will be better able to handle slippery conditions. Salt might be great for helping prevent ice, but it can be disastrous for motorcycle traction so be sure you know this and avoid riding through patches of salt especially at higher speeds.

Drive safe and don’t take for granted your expertise. In winter, you might be tempted to ride faster to your destination. Be careful. Keep your distance, make sure your lights are on, be aware of your surroundings, and make sure you are visible to other vehicles on the road. Keep on hand at all times the number of roadside assistance services and motorcycle accident attorneys who can help you in case you run into trouble.

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