Trucking Accidents and Who to call

by | Feb 21, 2013 | Legal

Trucking accidents can be serious and fatal. The size of the truck alone can crush a smaller vehicle to a pulp, rendering anyone inside severely hurt or dead. Anyone who watches the news will have seen some kind of severe truck accident reported at one time or another and the consequences can be tragic. The damage to the vehicles becomes unimportant when there are people who are badly hurt or fatally injured and the attending members of the emergency services probably never get used to seeing the same kinds of things over and again.

Accidents can be caused by many things, from driver negligence to icy roads. Getting caught up in such an accident can cause undue trauma to the mind the body, especially if it was not your fault. Let’s say you were driving your truck carefully alone a highway, in winter. Your vehicle is fitted with snow chains and you are going as carefully as you can. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a car gets caught in a patch of black ice, starts to swerve and ends up hitting you head-on. No doubt your truck will suffer some damage, but the car is very likely to be totaled and the driver can be in a very serious condition. On the East coast, especially, there are some very severe winter storm conditions and driver cannot always avoid accidents in those situations.

Who to Call

If unfortunately, you have been involved in a trucking accident, regardless of it being your fault or not, you might need to engage a lawyer that specializes in trucking accidents in College Park. If you feel, or know that the accident was not your fault you can talk to a specialist lawyer who has experience in dealing with these kinds of cases. Many are classed as personal injury, while others may fall under other categories. At the time of the accident, if you are able, it is always advisable to try to take photographs of the scene as evidence. Of course, if you are badly hurt or unconscious you might not be in a position to do that, but available footage from the road cameras can sometimes assist in those cases.

Document as much as you can about the accident and tell the lawyer everything you remember. Your speed and the speed of the other driver will be an important factor. Road conditions will also have a bearing and there could be a potential case of negligence if the other driver was using a cell phone or otherwise distracted.

If your truck was seriously damaged and you use it for work, you may find that you can get assistance to get a loaner truck while you wait for yours to be repaired or replaced. You may also learn that you can claim for personal injury, loss of income and medical expenses from the negligent driver, too.

You may also claim for personal injury, loss of income and medical expenses from the negligent driver if you are involved in trucking accidents in Waldorf Area. Visit the website today!

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