3 Reasons You Need Advice From a Registered Dietitian

by | Apr 16, 2019 | Senior Living

While following a balanced diet is typically enough for most people, there are those who need to be especially mindful of what they eat. Whether it’s because of a temporary health condition or something you will live with the rest of your life, the advice of a registered dietitian will make a difference. Here are three examples of who could use that advice.

You’re a Type 2 Diabetic

Finding out that you have type 2 diabetes is serious, but it’s not the death sentence that it was in decades past. With the proper combination of diet, exercise, and medication, it’s possible to live for a normal life span. You can bet that a dietician can help you understand how to prepare meals that are low in simple carbohydrates, why you should focus more on consuming small amounts of complex carbohydrates, the right proteins to consume, and how to make side dishes that ensure you get all the nutrients your body needs.

You’ve Had Heart Surgery

Recovering from heart surgery is definitely a time to rethink your diet. That means focusing on foods that provide plenty of nutrition but are relatively free of the wrong types of fats. Along with exercise, the aid you get from a registered dietitian Rockland County NY will help your recovery as well as encourage you to eat the right type of foods. With a little luck, you will never have another cardiovascular episode.

You Have Food Intolerances

It took years, but you finally know there are certain foods that trigger headaches and other unpleasant side effects. What you may not know is how often those foods are used in packaged products or even dishes that are prepared from scratch. With the help of a registered dietitian Rockland County NY, you can learn how to cook without those ingredients and even how to determine if food served in a restaurant is likely to contain something that your system can’t tolerate.

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