Hardness Of Drill Bit Is One Factor, Harmonics, Vibration and Chatter Are Also Key

by | Apr 18, 2019 | Industrial Goods and Services

Tungsten carbide is among the hardest substances known to man. Only diamond is harder as measured on the Mohs scale. Thus, drills with tungsten carbide coatings are highly valued for their enormous strength, durability and ability to handle tough jobs, such as drilling into stainless steel, carbon steel and even titanium.

Carbide cutting tools also withstand higher levels of heat better than most other materials. A drawback of carbide tools is that they tend to be more brittle.

But experts with carbide cutting tools manufacturers will be quick to tell you that what a drill is made from is only a starting point. Not all drill designs are created equal. Consider factors like harmonics, vibration and chatter.

When holes are drilled, vibrations are generated by the process. Furthermore, researchers have identified three specific types of vibration. Some vibration modes are worse than other. The three primary types are axial, torsional, and lateral vibration. Lateral vibration is worst, but all are problematic.

A key factor in mitigating all three is superior drill design. Fortunately, long experience, great engineering and time-tested designs by carbide cutting tools manufacturers have produced drill bits that provide superior performance.

In general, it is recommended that the shortest drill possible be selected for each job. Drill bits lose their stability – or add more vibration – the longer they get. That’s doesn’t mean bits of great length are all bad. It’s just that, the shortest bit will give the best performance if it has enough length to finish the bore. Short bits are more stable, much harder to break and are more accurate.

It pays to look deeper into drill materials and functional performance factors as you select the best tools for the job. Materials are a big factor, but designs to maximize drill action accuracy and efficiency are key. For more visit Supermill LLC.

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