Accidents Happen: Contact the Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Hawaii Today

by | Oct 16, 2019 | Accident Lawyer

A severe accident, such as a motorcycle accident, can leave someone with physical and emotional injuries that affect their quality of life forever. When someone has been affected by the negligent acts of another, the victim should contact the Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Hawaii as soon as possible. The faster a professional is contacted, the sooner the victim’s health and peace of mind can be restored.

When the affected individual hires Yoshida & Associates, they can be at rest knowing the case has the attention it needs, and the attorney will fight for their wellbeing. The victim can take the time needed to recover from the physical and mental harm suffered in the accident.

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

No matter how safe motorcycle riders are, many factors can lead to an accident. Those factors can range from other drivers to road hazards. It is best to know what to look out for and understand the dangers involved when riding.

Inattentive Drivers

Some inattentive drivers fail to see motorcycles. Each year, thousands of motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers turning in front of motorcycles because they don’t see them.

Road Hazards

Road hazards result from state and local governments not keeping the roadways cleared and in good condition. These include things like potholes and loose asphalt, which are quite dangerous for motorcycle riders.

Riders often travel in groups. These groups must practice good communication to prevent collisions or moving into unsafe paths. Poor communication results in accidents with other motorcycles, cars, or trucks.

Insurance companies are for-profit businesses focused on protecting themselves, not the interests of the rider. When injured in a motorcycle accident, having an attorney on the client’s side can mean the difference between getting what is deserved and leaving everything on the table.

Dealing with the aftermath of an accident is not always easy, but a motorcycle accident lawyer in Hawaii can help. Do not talk to the insurance companies or anyone else alone. This can lead to lower compensation than is deserved and even an insurance company refusing to settle. Contact us today for more information.

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