Factors Used in Determining Bail Amount and Eligibility in Upper Marlboro MD

by | Dec 20, 2019 | Bail Bonds

Once people are arrested, judges decide whether they can be granted pre-trial release and the dollar amount of their bail. Only then can they get out with the help of a Bail Bondsman in Upper Marlboro MD. Although some jurisdictions use set-in-stone formulas for determining bail, judges usually have to set people’s bail manually. Here are several things judges take into mind when computing bail eligibility and amount.

Violence Isn’t Taken Well

Violent crimes are typically punished more harshly than others. This is because most judges consider violence as one of the biggest threats to maintaining civility in modern society. Even if a charge isn’t technically violence-related, if presiding judges look to the evidence surrounding your case and understand you engaged in violent behavior, your bail might be higher than most people’s bail who have similar charges.

Previous Defendant Behavior

This consists of a few factors, including defendants’ history of having run-ins with the law and whether or not they have shown up to court on time. Previous criminal convictions also play a major hand in determining bail.

Community Ties

Whether you live in the community you’ve been charged with crimes in or not, the length of time you’ve lived there, and whether you hold an important job in the community are considered as part of defendants’ community ties.

Contact Us – We’ll Do You Solid

Contact us to learn about whether we, Pantazes Bail Bonds Agency Inc., are a good fit as your bail bondsman Upper Marlboro MD.

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