The Various Aspects of Real Estate Law in Lafayette, Indiana

by | Apr 2, 2013 | Legal

Real estate law in Lafayette Indiana, is a complicated process that requires an experienced attorney. Most people think of buying or selling a home as the only time they need an attorney, but there are many other reasons, including property disputes and zoning issues. If you try to handle a real estate issue yourself, you could find yourself in trouble with the law or paying a large amount of fines.

Buying or Selling a Home

Many laws that only an experienced attorney understands govern buying or selling real estate. While it is possible to buy or sell a home without a realtor, most people require the help of a legal professional to finalize the process. There are contracts that need negotiation, monies that need to cross hands and issues that require agreements, especially in the process of purchasing an existing house. It is not worth trying to represent yourself and taking the risk of not getting what you deserve.

Property Disputes

Neighbors argue all the time over proper lines, easements or damage to real estate. Determining who is at fault, the property that is suffering from encroachment and who has permission for access to easements needs the professional advice of a lawyer who specializes in real estate law in Lafayette, Indiana. There are no cut and dried answers; each situation is unique and requires detailed investigations to determine its outcome.

Zoning Issues

Each city and county has certain laws that govern them in regard to zoning issues. Running a business from your home, how you use certain pieces of land and where you place signs are just a few of the issues with which a lawyer helps people. Some areas have special permissions to perform tasks that other areas do not allow. Without proper knowledge of the laws, the different zoning areas and how to have the permissions granted, you could find yourself unable to do what you want with your land or get in serious trouble for not following proper procedure.

It is always best to consult with an attorney regarding any issues or transactions that involve real estate law in Lafayette Indiana. The money it costs to hire a lawyer greatly outweighs the costs you would incur should a transaction go wrong or you fail to follow the law. Finding the right attorney who is experienced in the area of real estate law under which your problem exists is essential to the ultimate success of the outcome of your problem or transaction.

For more information about real estate law in Lafayette Indiana,visit Ball Eggleston Law Firm.


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