Lionfish Divers

by | Apr 13, 2020 | Fishing

Lionfish are venomous fish that are found in the tropics with reddish orange and white stripes. They prey on smaller tropical fish as well as shellfish such as lobsters and shrimp. Lionfish are native to warmer climate regions of the world, but not native to North America. They’ve become populated in oceans near the US because people have been keeping them as pets in their private aquariums until they grow too big to maintain. Then the owners would release them into the ocean. Lionfish do not have natural predators but they breed at a rapid rate. This is why fishing for Lionfish is an environmentally-friendly means of saving marine life.

Here are a few tips onlionfish fishing.

1. When lionfish fishing, it is best to dive for it during twilight (during sunrise and sunset). This is because the lionfish feeds during these times. In order to see while you dive, be sure to have a flashlight as part of your gear.

2. Search for lionfish, there’s a good chance you might find them near artificial structures like faux reefs and ship debris. These are great hiding places for lionfish, and they often gather there. You might also find lionfish inside barrel sponges.

3. When catching a lionfish, be sure to spear it through the head to kill the fish immediately and avoid getting stung. You can use a short pole to do this which gives you control and better grip.

4. Lionfish dive deep, so you will also have to dive deep. Be sure to follow safety precautions when doing so.

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