Ask Your Cosmetic Dentist Manteca CA About Crown Lengthening and Whether This Procedure is Right for You

by | Apr 22, 2013 | Dentists

Crown lengthening is a common surgical procedure done by a cosmetic dentist Manteca CA. During this surgery, the dentist remove bone, gum tissue or a combination of the two to expose additional parts of a tooth. Although this procedure may be done when a tooth breaks off at the gum line to make it easier to fill the tooth or install a crown, many choose to have it done when they have an excess of gum tissue around the upper teeth. The cosmetic dentist Manteca CA can reduce the appearance of a ‘gummy smile’.

The first step in the process is to visit a periodontist who performs this type of procedure. He or she reviews your medical history and x-rays to determine what must be done. A professional tooth cleaning may be needed and a temporary crown will be installed if a crown is required. This not only protects the tooth, but helps the cosmetic dentist in Manteca CA determine how much bone or soft tissue must be removed.

Local anesthesia is used in the procedure during with the dentist makes cuts to pull the gums away from the tooth and possibly adjoining ones. Bone may need to be removed before the gums are stitched back together. Follow up instructions are given and the dentist explains the recovery time. For most patients, this involves returning to the dentist in seven to ten days to have the stitches removed. After a period of four to six weeks, a follow-up visit is completed. Recovery takes approximately three months and then the tooth is prepped for the final crown. The process cannot be rushed as the gums shrink as they heal. If the crown is put on too soon, the edges may show.

There are some risks with this procedure as with any surgery. Bleeding is one complication along with infection. Some patients find their teeth to be more sensitive due to the roots being exposed. This problem usually goes away on its own or when the crown is installed. The treated tooth may appear to be longer than those around it due to bone and tissue being removed. In addition, the tooth may feel loose if bone is removed. If the tooth is lost in the future, the dentist may not be able to replace it with a dental implant. Speak to your dentist to determine if crown lengthening is right for you.

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