How The DUI Defense Attorneys In Bolingbrook Protect Rights Of The Accused

by | Apr 22, 2013 | Legal

Anyone arrested for DUI in the greater Chicago area may feel like life has suddenly taken a turn for the worst, and that the future is out of their control. But one of the highly experienced DUI defense attorneys in Bolingbrook can help them take charge of their legal fight. Facing these charges is too serious of a situation to try and stumble through it without competent legal advice.

Whether the incident happened in Illinois or Indiana, both states have similar implied consent laws. It states that the arresting officer can require a suspect to take a urine, breathe or blood test to determine their blood alcohol level. The individual may refuse, but may still be convicted without the test. The arresting officer can also seize the suspect’s license.

DUI defense attorneys Bolingbrook know all the circumstances that may have affected the outcome of a blood alcohol level that is over the legal limit, such as prescription drugs, weight and gender, among others. They will also be able to challenge any special circumstances that resulted in the arrest. For example, there’s at least one incident of a person being arrested for DUI while not even driving. The officer took the individual to jail after finding the person in a prone position sleeping in a parked car with the engine running. The officer believed the person was still legally in control of the vehicle.

People arrested for the offense risk stiff penalties in either state. In Illinois, a first conviction can result in the loss of full driving privileges for up to a year, plus up to a year in jail and a maximum fine of up to $2,500. A judge in Indiana may send a first offender to jail for up to 60 days and fine the person $500. The penalties for previous convictions increase significantly.

One of the experienced DUI defense attorneys will know what kinds of sentences are routinely handed down and may advise clients on whether to plea bargain to get the charges reduced. A lawyer may also work out a sentencing bargain to get the client less jail time if the incident involved anyone getting injured.

A conviction of a more serious charge may also have future consequences outside the courtroom. More often, companies are running background checks and may deny employment to any potential job candidates with any kind of record. Insurance companies may also decide not to sell auto insurance to anyone convicted of DUI.

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