Four Benefits of Using an Air Cooled Heat Exchanger for Your Processes

by | Apr 22, 2022 | Heating Contractor

An air cooled heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger that transfers heat from a heated fluid to an operating fluid, but it does so without liquid or gas contact. An air-cooled heat exchanger comprises a connected shell, condenser coil, evaporator coil, and tank. These coils are made from copper or stainless steel to withstand corrosion from the aqueous fluids associated with these systems.

Low Operating Cost

The heat exchanger has a low power requirement that makes it ideal for use in processes and homes. These reduce your energy costs, saving on the cost of electricity and saving on heating and cooling bills.

High Heat Transfer Coefficient

An air-cooled heat exchanger is a type of heat exchanger where the fluid flows through a narrow tube surrounded by an air space. This allows for better control over the liquid and increased heat transfer due to the high surface area of the liquid. The heat exchange area of the air-cooled heat exchanger is less than half of the shell-and-tube heat exchange area, which means it takes less time for the air to cool down.

High Efficiency

Air cooled heat exchangers have replaced older cooling methods because of their efficiency and lower cost, especially when used in high volume manufacturing environments or remote air-conditioned locations. They are also more environmentally friendly as they use less power, which can concern industries working with volatile fuels or chemicals where water usage is not feasible.

Large Temperature Difference Correction Coefficient

Heat exchangers have come a long way to compensate temperature differences in the fluids. Fluids in a shell and tube exchanger flow in a counter-current flow. This calls for the correction of the mean temperature. The air cooled heat exchanger corrects this small logarithmic mean by simultaneously using concurrent and counter-current flow.

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