The Advantages You Gain by Living Off-Campus in Blacksburg, VA

by | Dec 30, 2022 | Student Housing Center

When you are accepted at the college you applied to, it is a very exciting time. However, there are still decisions that you have to make and one of those decisions is where you will be living while you’re attending school. While the admissions office will try and talk you into living on-campus, the smart choice is actually living in student apartments in Blacksburg, VA. There are many benefits to doing so.

Choose Your Own Roommate

When you live in a college dorm, you are basically stuck with whoever they give you for a roommate. This can lead to some very uncomfortable living arrangements if you do not particularly care for the other person. However, when you live in your own apartment, you can choose a person that you know to be your roommate. This leads to a much better situation that you will enjoy instead of dreading.

Live Near Places You Frequent

Instead of feeling like you are confined to the college campus, you can choose to live in an apartment complex that is near such places as the stores that you shop at or the nightclubs that you frequent on the weekend.

Better Amenities

A student apartment offers much better amenities than a college dormitory. It’s hard to believe how much you’ll cherish such things as full-sized appliances, but you miss them when you do not have access to them. There is also the fact that most student apartments in Blacksburg, VA offer such amenities as a pool and a gym area.

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