The Benefits Of Fire Watch Security Services

by | Jan 19, 2023 | Security

In many different businesses and industries in Portland, OR, particularly with manufacturing, processing, fabrication, or production companies, the risk of fire is a signficant condition. These companies spend hundreds of thousands of dollars installing fire protection systems such as sprinklers, alarms, and even specialized automated responses if increases in heat levels are detected in a specific process or area of the building.

Preventative Solutions

While these fire suppression systems are vital to putting out a fire once it starts, they cannot identify early signs of potential problems or fire hazards in the area. This is where trained fire watch security services are critical in preventing fires in the first place.

Temporary Fire Protection

In addition to industrial applications, construction sites and materials storage areas are also prime locations for fires to occur. Often these locations are difficult to monitor with standard fire equipment, or the construction site may not be at the point where a fire system can be installed. Hiring guards with experience in fire watch security in Portland, OR provides a highly effective temporary protective service until the permanent system can be installed.

Compliance Support

A trainedfire watch security professional also helps with compliance in the storage and use of hazardous materials. They continually monitor the location and test any existing fire safety equipment, ensuring the equipment is in good working order if needed in an emergency.

Finally, the fire watch service can also work with the Portland, OR, business to develop safe, effective, and practical evacuation procedures in the event of an emergency.

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