What is HVAC Service?

by | Jun 7, 2023 | Air Conditioning

You may have heard the term, “HVAC service,” and wondered what this service consists of. Learn more about what this type of service entails below.

HVAC Service: What It Is

HVAC Service in Asheville, NC and elsewhere involves services performed on your heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. This refers to the equipment that provides these utilities, including your furnace, air conditioner, heat pump, and boiler.

Why Is Such a Service Important?

Having such a service is important because of how critical these utilities are to a household, particularly heat. If a household is not heated well enough, the pipes and infrastructure within the household can start to freeze and crack. Pipes that crack because of frozen water can lead to water damage that is quite expensive and extensive to repair and replace. This is why regular HVAC maintenance is strongly suggested, to ensure your heater is working as well as it should to heat your home.

Your air conditioner is pretty important as well. While you may be able to manage without a functioning air conditioning unit, hot temperatures in North Carolina can make such a venture unbearable; in some cases, it can lead to heat exhaustion and even heat stroke, particularly for those vulnerable to the heat like the elderly. This is why having regular maintenance on your air conditioning unit is also strongly advised; you want your home to be as comfortable as possible throughout the entire year, and that includes during the regularly hot summers in North Carolina.

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