Understanding Arthritis and Your Treatment Options in Jenkintown, PA

by | Jan 4, 2024 | Pain Management

Joint pain is a serious issue for several reasons. Pain is the most self-evident reason for concern. But another issue tends to weigh on people’s minds – arthritis. People looking for joint pain relief in Jenkintown, PA are often concerned that the pain might hint at arthritis. So with that in mind, what are the common symptoms associated with arthritis pain?

One complication to keep in mind is that the question, what are the common symptoms associated with arthritis pain, needs to be considered from two different angles. There are two main forms of arthritis – osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a condition arising from the breakdown of tissue in your joints. This removes the easy movement normally made possible by cartilage. The end effect is that the joint becomes painful as you move around over a day. Meanwhile, rheumatoid arthritis refers to an autoimmune disorder where your immune system attacks the cartilage and lining of your joints.

This causes a similar type of pain to what you’d experience with osteoarthritis. However, there’s one large point of difference that it’s important to bring up with healthcare professionals when seeking joint pain relief in Jenkintown, PA.

Rheumatoid arthritis comes with significant inflammation. While osteoarthritis doesn’t typically show any signs of inflammation. On top of those symptoms, you’ll also typically see the tenderness in the area and some measure of stiffness. You can get a consultation to find out more with QC Kinetix (Baederwood). View Testiomials

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