Make Your First Student Apartment in San Antonio Comfortable

by | Jan 17, 2024 | Student Housing Center

Moving into your first apartment while in school will likely be a little different than it will be moving into a house. With a few tips, you can still make this living situation a home so that you’re comfortable and relaxed.

Mattress Toppers

One of the things to add to your shopping list when you move into UTSA student apartments is a mattress topper. This is a simple addition to your mattress that can often result in a good night’s sleep. Add a few pillows and comfortable blankets, and you can be well-rested for all of your classes during the day.

Cooking Utensils

While living in UTSA student apartments, you’re probably not going to want to go out to eat all the time as you could be living on a budget. Try to invest in a good set of pots and pans as well as other cooking utensils so that you can prepare meals at home. A crockpot is a good option so that you can prepare larger meals and freeze them. A coffeemaker is nice to have as well for when you need to wake up in the morning. Make sure you include forks, spoons, and other types of small utensils as well.


Consider getting a few shelves for your new home. You could put one over the toilet for your towels and washcloths, one in your laundry room for supplies, and one in your bedroom for shoes, blankets, and items that might not fit in your closet or dresser.

Contact Hill Country Place at for more information.

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