Types of Siding Harrisburg Homeowners Typically Choose

by | Jun 5, 2013 | window coverings

There are many ways to finish the outside of a house. It can be painted, stuccoed, or even covered in bricks. The problem is that these methods are either labor-intensive or costly. They can even be both. Paint needs to be redone every few years and the same is true of faux stucco. Real stucco can come away from the walls and require expensive repairs. Bricks last for decades, but they’re definitely an expensive option.

Siding eliminates the problems of both routine maintenance and high expense. It can be made of metal, wood or vinyl. Vinyl Siding Harrisburg is the most popular choice for newer homes. That’s because it’s inexpensive and will not fade with time.

About the only downside to vinyl siding is its relative lack of wind resistance. Since it’s so light, a big windstorm can sometimes pull it off the walls. Even so, it has plenty of benefits to offset this fact. You will never need to paint or stain it, and it won’t rot out or corrode away. Modern vinyl is resistant to UV rays, so you won’t have to worry about sun exposure.

Aluminum Siding Harrisburg is another popular choice. It’s heavier than vinyl and is more wind-resistant. It’s typically powder coated or painted to give it its color. This coating will last for a couple of decades, but eventually, it’ll need a fresh coat of paint to make it look new again. One thing to be careful of is any trees or shrubs that have grown close enough to the house for branches to brush up against it. Over time, the seemingly-soft leaves will manage to wear the paint right off along the contact points. Fortunately, a pair of pruning shears will usually prevent this from happening.

Wood is a rare choice for siding, but when it’s used, it can look great. Unfortunately, it’s the most high-maintenance option of them all. Except for cedar, wood needs regular painting or staining to keep it from rotting out. It will usually rot eventually, even with the best of care. Even so, the look of wood siding is wonderful, so if you don’t mind the maintenance, you may find it worth installing.

Whichever type of siding you choose, be sure to select a reputable company to install it. That way, you can rest easy knowing that you won’t have any unnecessary problems down the line.

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