When Bad Things Happen to Innocent Babies at Birth in Chicago: Your Rights

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Lawyer

Having a baby at a hospital in Chicago should not come with any major fears or concerns. You expect the doctors and delivery nurses to help you deliver a baby that is healthy. Only when you know in advance that your baby will have problems should you expect your baby to be delivered with immediate and urgent medical needs. So, what happens when the healthy baby you expect to deliver is somehow born with medical issues or injuries? Then you need a Chicago birth injury lawyer.

What Are Your Rights Under the Law?

What should have been a totally normal and healthy delivery turns tragic when you are told that your baby has unexplained medical complications. There are a lot of questions, but it often leads to injuries your baby suffered while being delivered. It’s not anything you did wrong, but rather something the doctor or nurses did (or didn’t do).

If there’s any evidence at all that your baby suffered injuries during delivery, either through forceps birth, strangulation, or lack of oxygen for too long, you can sue. It’s a type of medical malpractice case.

Cases Where a Baby Was Injured During Delivery

Babies who suffered injuries at birth often have cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injuries, learning difficulties, and other problems. Some of these issues might not become fully evident until later. You need to address them now by contacting Shea Law Group to find out how to proceed with a Chicago birth injury lawyer on your side.

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