Car Accident Attorneys in Middlebury, VT: Signalling A Turn

by | Jan 14, 2014 | Law

At any given second there are always millions of Americans walking, running, shopping, traveling and driving. Every ten seconds one of those Americans driving is going to get in an automobile accident. Every 30 seconds one of those automobile accidents is going to be caused by a drunk driver. Recklessness, negligence, road hazards, pedestrians, and the manufacturer of the vehicle you were driving can all be blamed for causing an automobile accident. However, it is the responsibly of the Car Accident Attorneys in Middlebury, VT that you hire to determine fault.

When a driver fails to properly signal a turn, they are almost always going to be found liable for the accident that they caused. The most common type of accident that occurs is when a driver hits another driver from behind because they failed to signal before switching lanes. That would actually be one of the only times you could rear-end another vehicle and not be at fault. The problem with any car accident attorneys in Middlebury, VT being able to win a personal injury claim because the other driver failed to signal is proving it. It is just as easy for the other driver to say that you are lying and that they did signal as it is for you to say that they didn’t. The only way you would be able to win a case such as that one is if there were other people in your car, a bystander saw the accident, or the other driver admits that they did not signal the turn or lane change.

If you are going to take legal actions because an accident was caused by another driver not signaling before turning or changing lanes, You need a lawyer that is going to be able to present your case in a way that is hard for anyone to deny. You need a lawyer that is also good at investigating. This way if there is any way to prove that the driver did not signal they are going to be able to prove that. This could be through a bystander or with the help of a security camera that caught the accident on tape.

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