If you have never heard of Bruxism, you may wonder just exactly what it is and how it affects the lives of those who have it. Bruxism is the term for grinding your teeth. You may already know that you grind your teeth while awake, and make an effort to stop. However, when you are sleeping it is quite another matter. It is not easy to stop yourself when you are not aware you are grinding your teeth. Clenching your jaw or grinding your teeth excessively at night can be very uncomfortable and harmful to your dental health. A visit to your dentist is in order so you can talk about using a New York Night Guard to help you rest better, and save your teeth from undue damage.

What Causes Bruxism?

Bruxism can be caused by several different things. Anxiety and stress are known factors but are not the only factors. Bruxism is also caused by sleep disorders, teeth that are crooked or missing, and an abnormal bite. You may wake up with a sore jaw or dull headache as a result of Bruxism. In a lot of cases Bruxism can cause your teeth to become loose or just painful. It can also cause teeth fractures that need immediate dental care, wear down your teeth, damage your enamel, and irritate gums. Bruxism is known to be noisy and disturb sleeping patterns for you and your spouse; since it can be loud enough it can actually wake others up. You can control Bruxism and get back to sleeping well and waking rested when you consult with your dentist about these problems and find out if you suffer from it.

What Kind of Care Will Remedy Bruxism?

A night guard can keep you from grinding your teeth and help aid jaw clenching. If you believe stress is the cause of grinding your teeth then you can also try physical therapy, exercise, counseling or muscle relaxants so you can reduce the amount of tension you are under.  In order to protect your teeth, you need to visit your dentist to be fitted with a night guard. A night guard is just like the same mouth guard that athletes wear during sporting events. It provides a barrier that rests between your bottom and top teeth. In order for a night guard to truly help you, it needs to be custom fit by your dentist to allow you proper breathing and comfort while using it.

Smile Make Overs New York helps people who suffer from Bruxism. Make an appointment to find out if you suffer from Bruxism and need to be fitted with a Night Guard to help protect your teeth and get a good night’s rest.