Elizabeth Graham

Is offline marketing obsolete?

Just a couple of decades ago, businesses relied on newspaper advertising, referrals, flyers and business cards to market their products and services. Then came the internet, where email blasts, banner ads and online forums took the marketing world by storm. Today,...

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How is a Drain Cleaning Cable Used?

When a drain is clogged, you need to find a drain cleaning professional as soon as possible. Your technician or plumber will come and prepare their equipment to get rid of the clog as soon as possible. One of the most used and most important pieces of equipment is the...

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What Should You Get Your Coach?

Whether you are getting something for your child’s coach or looking for something to let your coach know that you appreciate all they have done for you, it can often be a daunting task to find the right gift. Often the ideas that stand out the most to us are out of...

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