Arts & Entertainment Archive

Utilize a Professional Recording Studio in Los Angeles CA With Experience

If you want to sound as good as possible when your band is playing together to produce your music, you may want to utilize a professional recording studio in Los Angeles, CA. They have great gear, talented engineers and allow you to be free and creative. Using

Professional Film Production Companies Can Save You Time and Money

It may seem like your company is capable of producing a film. However, there are many aspects to creating films, even small films for businesses. When you want to produce a film, it is important that you use the services of film production companies in Orlando FL.

The Etched Glass Water Bottle Grows in Popularity

When drinking water each day, you may be doing your body good while unintentionally harming yourself and other people in the process. This is true for those who drink water from plastic bottles. It is for this reason that glass bottles are becoming increasingly popular, with etched

How Chakra, Greek Mythology and Buddhism Have Influenced the Contemporary Drawings of Nicole Alger

Nicole Alger is a classically trained painter living in New York. Alger trained as a realist painter focusing on traditional genres like landscapes, portrait and still life after graduation. She continued on this path for some time with the vast majority of Alger’s work commissioned or sold

Finding New Vocalists to Listen To

Are you looking for some new and exciting music to listen to? If you are like many people, you will quickly get tired of the same old music on the radio all the time. Instead, you may be seeking out new music to listen to. There are