Considering Different Options with Residential Roofing

by | Jan 29, 2015 | Roofing Contractors

Now that the roofing contractor has determined the current roof is at the end of its useful life, the home-owner has a decision to make. What type of Residential Roofing will take the place of that older roof? Here are some things to keep in mind while making the right choice.

Choice of Materials

Since there is a need for new Residential Roofing, use this as an opportunity to consider what different materials would mean in the years ahead. Many home-owners are surprised to learn just how many different materials can be used for residential roofs. Shingles made from synthetic materials, slate, wood, and metal are all in common use today. There are also roofing materials that come in panels and provide excellent protection. Something different could be the ideal choice for the home.


There is no question that new roofs cost a lot of money. Between the purchase of materials and the labour involved in the roof installation, it pays to go with something that is sure to last for a long time. While some roofing materials are only guaranteed for a couple of decades, others are likely to last for thirty or more years. When evaluating each type of roofing material, always ask about how long it is anticipated to last. Doing so will help narrow the range of choices a little.


While function is the main focus of selecting a new roof, it must also enhance the overall look of the home. This means paying close attention to the design and the color. While it may be tempting to go with something that is a little out of the box and quirky, take the time to consider how that roof will look a few years down the road.

Will the home-owner find it as attractive then as he or she does now?

Opting for something that is easy to live with for many years is definitely the way to go. Keep in mind that most roofing contractors are happy to help clients evaluate different options for new roofing. Talk with an expert about the pros and cons of each choice, and then settle on the one that provides the best overall benefits. Doing so will ensure that the homeowner gets the most from that choice as the years go by. Visit today.

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