Digital Formats Used for Documenting Innovative Human Resources Processes

by | Dec 26, 2022 | Computers

At one point, most companies handled all of their HR process documenting with a pen and paper. The only ones that ever really did things digitally were those that were heavily invested in teleprinter machines or who had subscriptions to wire services. Fortunately, the birth of modern cloud-based digital technology allows for the rapid exchange of information over a network.

However, this has also led to a rapid growth in the number of different formats used to store said information. Proprietary spreadsheet documents, such as those associated with most custom database packages, don’t usually communicate well with one another. Those who may have used on database application in the past and are now transferring to another could find that it’s hard to import their old HR process documenting workflows into the new program.

The good news is that most software supports comma or tab-separated value documents, which are functionally stored as plain text. That makes it relatively easy to exchange information between different applications. New users who are just starting out have the freedom to select whichever technology they would prefer to work with. By making sure to pick something open now, there’s much less risk of running into these kinds of problems down the road.

Best of all, they’ll be free to work with a modern online system that isn’t tethered to any legacy technologies that would make it hard to access HR department documents. Learn more about the best practices for HR process documenting by visiting KLONE Group on the web.

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