File a Trucking Accident Claim Against a Trucking Company in Glendale, AZ

by | Jan 16, 2023 | Lawyer

Owner/operators and trucking companies must do everything possible to prevent commercial trucking accidents. Following protocols and regulations helps lower the risk of accidents and keeps everyone safer on the road. After a commercial trucking accident, consulting a trucking accident lawyer in Glendale, AZ enables you to figure out what to do.

Assessing the Driver

DUI and exhausted driving are two common reasons for trucking accidents. After a commercial trucking accident, officers determine if the driver was under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances. The officers also review the driver’s driving log to ensure that the driver took a rest period after 12-hour shifts.

Drivers under the influence can face criminal charges and must pay injured parties restitution if convicted. However, accident victims could still file a lawsuit against the driver or their trucking company. Collisions with 18-wheelers increase the odds of severe injuries and a total loss for the victim.

What to Expect During a Legal Claim

Attorneys do their due diligence to find all evidence of the trucking accident. They question witnesses, collect medical records and invoices, and get auto repair estimates. Then, the lawyers present the case to the court according to the evidence, and the court makes a final decision. Talking to a trucking accident lawyer in Glendale, AZ helps you prepare for your case and understand what to expect.

Serious trucking accidents increase traumatic injuries and fatalities. After a trucking accident, victims often seek compensation through insurance claims. However, it isn’t always possible to collect payment through insurance. Personal injury attorneys offer guidance for accident victims and show these claimants where to get started.

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