Guide to Purchasing from a Marijuana Dispensary in Phoenix

by | Mar 27, 2017 | Business

Since the passage of the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act in 2010, a total of 122 medical marijuana dispensaries have popped up and conducted business with Arizona residents. Unfortunately, with the failure to pass the Arizona Marijuana Legalization Initiative (Proposition 205) in November 2016, which would have legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes, the only legal way to obtain marijuana is with a prescription (you have to have a qualifying condition). You also have to get an Arizona Medical Marijuana Patient card. Once you have both, you can visit a state-licensed marijuana dispensary in Phoenix. The following are commonly asked questions regarding the purchase of marijuana from state-licensed dispensaries in Phoenix.

1. Qualifying Conditions to Purchase Marijuana

You cannot just go to a marijuana dispensary and buy marijuana. You need to have a doctor certify that you have one of the following conditions: Crohn’s Disease, Alzheimer’s Disease, Cancer, chronic pain, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Cachexia or Wasting Syndrome, Glaucoma, HIV or AIDS, sever nausea, persistent muscle spasms, Hepatitis C, or PTSD.

2. Illegal Use of Marijuana

Purchasing marijuana is not a problem as there are many marijuana dispensaries in Phoenix. However, you still have to be careful where you use your purchased marijuana. You cannot use marijuana in public, which means to be able to use it, you must be in the privacy of your own home. You cannot drive while high or you will get pulled over for DUI. Even if you are a qualified patient, you cannot be caught in possession of more than 2.5 ounces of marijuana.

3. Types of Marijuana for Sale

Medical marijuana dispensaries in Arizona offer flower strains, concentrates, edibles, transdermal products, seeds, and clones. When purchasing, be sure to know the type of strain that is appropriate for you. At Nirvana Center, you can purchase products from Clean Concentrates, Mary’s Medicinals, which is best known for the development of the transdermal cannabis patch, and Pucks Cannabis confections with their watermelon gummies.

In general, bear in mind that the federal government still considers marijuana as an illegal substance and that as a qualified patient, you are only allowed to use it for an approved medical use.

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