How to Select Plants for Your Garden

by | Jun 8, 2016 | Home And Garden

Planting can be a great stress reliever, and having a beautiful assortment of flowers and greenery can be a pleasant and relaxing sight. Spring is the perfect time to start or add to your green abode. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are selecting plants for your garden.

Know Your Spacing: Before you get down and dirty, make sure you know how much space you can allocate to your garden. Spacing will control both what you plant, and how many varieties of plants you can add into your garden. Your home may give way to a number of gardening spaces. For instance, you may wish to plant in front of your house as well as in your back yard. Another possibility is to work within a smaller space, such as a balcony, where planters define your spacing. In either case, knowing your space and working with what you have are the key principles in building a successful garden.

Form vs Function: While some people prefer to plant for the aesthetic pleasure of the plants and flowers, you may consider planting actual food. Herbs such as basil and rosemary are a common vegetable garden staple, and are relatively easy to maintain. You don’t necessarily have to choose between a flower garden and a vegetable garden if you have enough space.

Do your research: Whether you are planting for the first time, or trying something new, make sure to do your research on the flowers or greenery that you will be working with. Individual species of plants need different amounts of nutrients, sunlight and water. Also keep in mind that not all plants get along as they may compete for resources which will result in one flourishing and the other dying.

Know your Resources: This includes physical elements like sunlight and water, but also means knowing the amount of time that you can devote to your garden. Some plants, like those typically found in the desert, are very easy to take care of and require very little care. If you want a garden with little maintenance, you may opt for that type of plant. Opting for a backyard or front yard garden, means consider the climate in your area; will your garden see all four seasons, or are you somewhere sunny that may face a water shortage? All these are things to consider when selecting your plants

With the proper research and planning, gardening is a relaxing experience, which will yield beautiful results. Choosing plants for your garden is simple- just follow the above steps and start planting today!

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