Key Reasons to Hire an Oak Lawn White Collar Crime Defense Attorney

by | Feb 20, 2024 | Lawyer

When law enforcement has arrested you on charges of money laundering, fraud, credit card theft or other white-collar offenses, you have the right to defend yourself if and when your case goes to court. You might be entirely innocent of the charges against you and want to avoid going to jail and paying expensive fines.

However, the judge and jury may not simply take your word for it that you did not commit the offenses for which you have been arrested. Instead, you can present a convincing argument and potentially avoid serious punishments like jail time when you retain counsel like an Oak Lawn white-collar crime defense attorney.

Defending Your Innocence

When you have a lawyer on retainer, you may defend your innocence in the face of such charges. Your legal team can present evidence showing you did not commit the crime or even knew about it. The people on your legal team may also uncover evidence that shows someone else is to blame for the offense.

Your lawyer may also argue down charges against you and ask the court to give you a lesser punishment. You may get out of the case with your reputation intact and without you having to pay out money that you cannot afford to lose.

You can find out more about hiring an Oak Lawn white-collar crime defense attorney online. To schedule a consultation about your case, reach out to Michael D. Ettinger & Associates.

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