Professional Radon Mitigation Services

by | Apr 14, 2017 | Business

There is a silent killer that could be invading your home or business. It’s a gas called radon. This silent and dangerous gas can contaminate your space and pose a significant health threat to your family or business. For this reason it is very important to contact a professional radon mitigation company to have your area tested. Make sure to use a company that participates in the EPA Radon Contractor Proficiency Program, as well.

The Professionals Have the Experience to Remove Radon Gas

Having radon gas removed from your premises is not an easy task that you should try yourself. You need the services of a professional radon mitigation company with many years of experience removing this type of gas from schools, condominiums, homes, townhouses, government buildings and commercial buildings. Don’t let radon, a colorless, odorless and invisible gas become a health concern to you. Have your area tested immediately. The professionals can provide you with a test and help you understand the perfect times to perform them. Once you have the test results, the professionals can provide you with great options when it comes to the perfect mitigation system for you.

The Many Ways Radon Can Enter a Premises

There are many different common ways for radon to enter your premises. Since it comes in a gas form, it can easily infiltrate many different types of spaces. For example, it can seep through cracks in concrete slabs, or through spaces located behind brick veneer walls that rest on any uncapped foundations of hollow block. It can also seep through cracks and pours in concrete blocks, wall joints, floor joints, exposed soil, via a weeping drain that is drained to an open sump, mortar joints, open tops of block walls, pipe penetrations that are loose fitting, rock and soil building materials and through good water although it is typically not a major source for homes.

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