Recouping Money for Damaged Property

by | Sep 26, 2019 | Attorney

You cannot control what the weather does to your property. You have no way of stopping high winds and heavy rains from tormenting your home. All you can do is deal with the aftermath after the storm has passed.

When your insurance provider is giving you the proverbial runaround with paying out your claims, however, you may need some legal representation to get the payments you need with which to repair your home. With an insurance claim lawyer Naples homeowners like you can pursue the money you are entitled to and use it to pay for fixing the damages on your place.

When you hire an insurance claim lawyer in Naples area homeowners like you can make sure the claim is filed right in the first place. In some circumstances, claims are denied because the claimants did not file the right documents to ask for money from the insurer. The insurer has no choice but to turn down the claim and ask the person to file the paperwork again.

Your claim also may be turned down because the insurer may not feel the damages were inflicted during a covered event. The company may believe you damaged your home on purpose and are blaming it on the weather. You may need an appraiser to verify your claim to the insurance company.

Your lawyer can hire an appraiser and provide all of the necessary documents to the insurer to get your claim approved. If the insurer threatens legal action against you, you can counter file or defend yourself by having your lawyer represent you in the matter. You may be able to negotiate a settlement and win the damages you were seeking in the first place. Your lawyer can act as your intermediary between the insurance company and other people involved in the case.

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