Some Options for Your Current Office Furniture When Moving in Edmonton

by | Nov 6, 2019 | Furniture

A move to a new location can be an exciting time in the life of your business. One of the logistical challenges you’ll face, however, will be figuring out what to do with the furniture that you use in your current location. To help you make the most effective choice for your particular business, here is a basic explanation of a few options you have when it’s time to make your move.

Move It
If you’re not in a position to replace your furniture, then your only option is to move the furniture to your new location. This has the advantage of providing all the furniture you need quite quickly. However, moving a large amount of furniture, whether by yourself or with the assistance of a professional mover, can be quite a task and can result in some broken furniture, necessitating replacement. Plus, the old furniture may not fit precisely in your new location, leading to a less-efficient arrangement that can get you off to a bad start in your new location.

Donate It
If you’re planning on buying new furniture for your location, one option for your old furniture is to donate it. This option has the advantage, of course, of potentially helping those who are financially disadvantaged find great furniture that they couldn’t otherwise afford.

However, it may be difficult to find an organization that has the capacity to move this much donated furniture, since they aren’t as well connected as companies like furniture liquidators in Edmonton. Plus, the tax laws related to material donations from a business can be quite tricky, meaning you may end up with a financial burden as a result of your good deed.

Sell It
If you want to recoup some of your investment in new furniture, your best option is to sell your old furniture. Though you can try to do this yourself, it will likely take a lot of time and effort that you could be devoting to growing your business. Instead, it’s a good idea to utilize furniture liquidators in Edmonton to ensure the items are priced fairly and that you’re able to liquidate the furniture as quickly as possible. That way, you can ensure that the furniture finds a good home while you receive a financial benefit as a result of the sale.

Visit The Office Marketplace Ltd. to find out more about how you can liquidate your office furniture.

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