Teeth Whitening Services Can Improve That Smile

by | Apr 4, 2017 | Dental Services

Many of people’s favorite foods and drinks can discolor their teeth over time. Once white teeth are now a dingy yellowish brown. Daily tooth brushing does not seem to solve the problem. What is one to do? One solution is to use local Teeth Whitening Services offered by a dental clinic such as that owned by Alan P. Friedler DMD, PC in Madison CT. This service is safe and effective when delivered by a qualified dentist. There is no worry about results and side effects that can happen with retail products that are self-applied.

Another advantage of having Teeth whitening Services at a dental clinic is that the dentist will do a thorough dental exam and spot any dental problems before they become serious. When teeth are neglected, and yearly exams are skipped, tooth decay, gum problems and other dental problems can become more serious and even lead to loss of one or more teeth and other health problems. An imperfect smile might be due to more than discolored teeth. Teeth can be misaligned, cavities can be developing and getting worse, one or more teeth can be chipped or broken, and other problems can be contributing to a less than perfect smile. Yes, get those teeth whitened but also have a dental exam and a cleaning for an even healthier mouth.

A good dental clinic can offer many different dental services including preventative dental care, filling cavities, repairing teeth with veneers, crowns, and bridges, and removing damaged teeth. Dentists can install tooth implants to replace missing teeth, fit a mouth with the newest braces for straighter teeth, or fit the best false teeth possible when too many teeth have been lost. Dentists can perform root canal surgery, perform cosmetic dentistry, and offer sedation dentistry. When an accident causes damage to the teeth or jaw or loss of a tooth, a dentist can perform emergency dentistry to repair the damage. A dentist can also help people with gum disease and other conditions involving the mouth and jaw.

Modern dentists use state of the art equipment and procedures that make dental treatment as painless as possible. They will work with those who do not have dental insurance. For more information, contact.

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