The decision to invest in a storm shelter can be a difficult one. The odds of a tornado hitting your home may seem slim, but if it does, you are sure to wish you had protection against the strong winds and flying debris. The simple fact is, anyone living in northeast Texas should understand that tornadoes are a part of life and make sure they have a plan in place should one strike.
Dangers of Living in Tornado Country
Tornadoes cause damage in a number of ways. High winds create stress on buildings that can cause them to collapse. These high winds will also lift up heavy debris and send it airborne, where it can become a deadly weapon. Even if you are inside, these airborne projectiles can enter your home or building with deadly force.
The purpose of installing storm shelters in Longview, TX area, is to provide a safe place to ride out storms while you wait for them to pass. A storm shelter is a structure built to withstand tornado force winds. You should choose a storm shelter designed and built by those familiar with the demands of sheltering from tornadoes.
What to Look for in a Storm Shelter
Look for storm shelters designed with additives in the concrete itself. This addition makes the concrete self-sealing. The benefit to this type of compound is that it can seal any small cracks or leaks permanently without requiring special work. The self-sealing technology ensures that you will have a safe place to shelter should you hear the tornado warning sirens sound. The technology has been shown to be effective for at least 40 years, and there is no reason to expect it not to continue to last for the lifetime of the shelter.
When purchasing storm shelters in Longview, TX, there are some additional points to consider. The shelter should meet or exceed recommendations set forth in FEMA 320 as well as standards set forth in ICC-500. The concrete needs to be made to withstand years of pressure to keep it safe and comfortable. Hopefully, you won’t need to use your storm shelter often, but when you do, it needs to be ready.