There is far too much garbage!

by | Apr 29, 2013 | Recycling Center

One of the primary reasons to consider recycling in Hartford CT is; there is simply too much garbage being sent into ever decreasing land fill sites. Landfill use is coming down but it is still an alarming number. In the mid 1980s there was 150 million tons of garbage that went to the landfills every year, it is now down to 100 million tons now. Landfills that are built today are purpose built with thick liners to stop chemicals from leeching into the soil but they are still landfills and they are using land which could be put to much better use.

Pollution in the landfill:

Even though modern landfills are lined with plastic and covered with clay, it is still possible for an assortment of chemicals to seep into the ground. This leachate can quickly contaminate ground water.

Depletion of natural resources:

Producing a brand new product from all virgin material will cause a rapid depletion of the world’s supply of natural resources. To make paper, you need either new trees or old paper, to make plastic you need either expense oil or used bottles. Using materials from recycling in Hartford CT just makes good sense.

Reduction in energy consumption:

Not every time but most of the time, recycling uses less energy than to produce the same volume from virgin material. Plastic is a bad example, it is cheap to make and difficult to recycle so more energy will be expended. Recycling steel is just the opposite; it takes far less energy to produce a ton of steel melted down from scrap than it does to make the same ton in a blast furnace. Aluminum is a perfect example of energy efficiency, with the same amount of energy, 20 new cans can be produced from recycled material vs. only one new can from scratch.


For communities where the land fill charge is by volume, reducing it can save the city money which has a positive effect on the taxes you pay. Companies that rely on recycling in Hartford CT for their raw materials could not exist. Recycling can produce three times the revenue of disposing the waste in a landfill site and it generates six times the number of jobs.

Although recycling in Hartford CT is finally becoming a real thing, and people are practicing it more and more, it is not a new phenomenon. During the great depression many people could not afford to buy anything new, recycling was the way. During the war, nylon, rubber and steel went into the war effort, and at home things had to be recycled. At the end of the war, goods and material became readily available, conservative life styles were abandoned in favor of consumerism and the problems began.

Recycling in Hartford CT is becoming an important way for the citizens to lend a helping hand with conserving natural resources and the environment. Business Name is on the forefront of the effort.

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