Tips for Making a Roofing Installation in Orlando, FL Easier

by | Oct 11, 2022 | Roofing Contractors

The homeowner has already decided that the only way to manage a new Roofing Installation Orlando FL is to leave the job in the hands of professionals. While that one decision eliminates a lot of issues, there are still things the client can do to help the process along. Here are some tips that will allow the roofing crew to get the job done with fewer distractions.

Unlimited Access to the Driveway

While the Roofing Installation Orlando FL, is underway, park the cars on the street or accept an offer from a kind neighbor to make use of another driveway. This will allow the crew to move the service vehicles closer to the home. Since it takes a lot of time and effort to unload new shingles, anything that gets those bundles closer to the home is a good idea. The team will also appreciate the ability to unload their tools without having to carry them from the street.

Clear the Area Closest to the Home

The day before the roofers arrive, move everything from around the home exterior that can be moved. This includes potted plants, patio furniture, and bicycles. If some of the items cannot go in the garage, move them to a far corner of the back yard. Doing so will mean the roofers do not have to maneuver around those things and can move a little faster.

Keep the Pets Inside

The family dog may have a sweet disposition, but the roofing team can move much faster without a curious pet wandering around the yard. Friendly dogs will want to be petted and also have a penchant for checking out everything that comes into their spaces. While the crew is working, keep the dog inside. There will be plenty of time for the pet to explore outside once the crew has left for the day.

For any homeowner who is wondering if now is the right time for a new roof, call the team at The Orlando Roofing Company today. An expert will inspect the current roof and see if some repairs will do the trick or if installing a new roof would be in the best interests of the client.

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