Des Moines, Iowa, is full of avid DIYers who like to work on anything from small projects to cars to houses. If you are one of these DIYers who prefer to rebuild their own transmission instead of going to a transmission service in Des Moines, IA, here are two tips to help you rebuild your transmission successfully.

Pay Attention to the Transmission Parts

There are a lot of parts to a transmission and many of them look alike. You need to find a way to keep up with them. Try labeling them or possibly even recording yourself as you take the transmission apart. Even pictures would help. Having a guide will come in handy when you try to put all those parts back together.

Get Parts from a Reputable Parts Dealer

There is nothing wrong with being a DIY, but at some point, you’ll still need a professional because transmission parts can be tricky. You need someone who is knowledgeable about transmissions and can answer any questions you have. Most importantly, you need someone who can order parts for you in a timely manner.

Rebuilding a transmission is no easy feat, especially when you’re doing it yourself. It’s okay to skip atransmission service in Des Moines, IA, as long as you have a lot of patience and a penchant for following directions. However, you’ll still want to use a legit transmission parts dealer for questions and ordering parts. After all, it’s always good to have a friend in your back pocket.

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