Of all the pests that threaten your home, mice can be among the worst. These pesky little creatures can get into food and leave their droppings everywhere. Before you have to resort to mouse control NYC, there are some things you can do to lessen the chance that mice will invade your home.

Seal up openings
The harder you make it for mice to get into your home, the less likely they are to get in. The best way to do that is to seal openings that might give them entry. This can include gaps around doors, large cracks in your foundations, window wells, and pipes and vents. If you leave mice no way to get in, they will leave your home alone.

Don’t offer temptations
One of the big things that will attract mice to your home is readily available food. You should avoid leaving food out on counters or on open shelves. Keep all food, even packaged food, in cabinets with doors that close. And you should never, ever leave uncovered food out in the open for long periods of time. Doing so will attract not only mice but other pests as well.

Use deterrents
A last resort in the fight against mice may be to use deterrents. This can range from sprays to poison baits to traps. If mice won’t stay out of your home, this may be the only way to deal with them. Keep in mind that no method is foolproof and some methods, such as poison, can be dangerous to children and pets.

If your mouse prevention efforts aren’t working and you continue to get mice in your home, mouse control NYC at Beyond Pest Control.