What You can Expect When You Use the Services of Alexandria, VA Mold Treatment

by | Oct 1, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

Mold growth can be the result of damp basements, humid climates, or leaking pipes. When you have had a flood or fire, followed by water damage, the problem is much more serious. Severe mold should be treated by Alexandria, VA Mold Treatment. These professionals will solve the problem and create a healthier home using the following steps:

INSPECTION: The first thing that Alexandria, VA Mold Treatment technicians will do is locate all of the areas where mold is growing. Problems can occur in walls, ceilings, floors, carpets, furniture, and other areas of the home. Professionals will ensure that affected areas are thoroughly dried, and, if not, will use specially-designed drying equipment to remove dampness.

CONTAINING THE AREA: Since mold spores can circulate and harm your health, Alexandria, VA Mold Treatment professionals will typically use plastic sheets, or other methods, to contain the areas that need to be treated. This also prevents the spread of the problem, so that your entire home is not affected by it.

FILTERING:  Mold Treatment in Alexandria, VA will often use HEPA filters to cleanse your home air, and remove all spores.

REMOVAL: Depending on how severe the problem is, professionals will clean and remove mold using a variety products and methods. Some porous surfaces, such as cement, have to be completely removed, because mold has penetrated too deeply to be treated. Home air ducts are ideal places for mold to grow, so duct cleaning is almost always an important part of eliminating mold or mildew.

REPAIRS: Mold that has been growing undetected for a long time can cause serious damage to a home’s structure. The restoration experts who treat mold can assess the amount of damage, an arrange for repairs. These professionals often partner with other experts, who may be able to restore furniture, art, carpeting and more.

Mold can grow in humid areas, or after water damage. When the problem is severe, professionals can remove it, and create a healthier home environment. They use a multi-step process to completely solve the problem, and can then arrange for repairs to be made to any areas that mold has damaged.

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