What You Should Know When Considering Liposuction in Schaumburg, IL

by | Oct 17, 2022 | Breast Augmentation

Liposuction can be an excellent way to improve your appearance and confidence. However, it’s important to understand the risks and benefits of any cosmetic procedure before making a decision. Here’s what you should know if you are considering liposuction in Schaumburg, IL.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from specific areas of the body, such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck, or face. It can be performed using different techniques, including traditional liposuction (also called suction-assisted liposuction), power-assisted liposuction, or laser-assisted liposuction.

The most common type of liposuction is suction-assisted liposuction, which uses a cannula (a small, hollow tube) and a suction device to remove fat. Power-assisted liposuction also uses a cannula, but the suction device is connected to a motor that helps move the cannula back and forth to break up the fat cells before they are removed. Laser-assisted liposuction uses a laser to help melt the fat cells before they are removed.

Liposuction is usually performed as an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home the same day as your surgery. The procedure usually takes about one to two hours, but it may take longer depending on the amount of fat being removed and the number of areas being treated.

After liposuction, you will likely feel some pain and discomfort. Your surgeon will prescribe medication to help relieve any pain and may also recommend wearing a compression garment to help minimize swelling. Most people can return to their normal activities within a week, but you should avoid strenuous activity for at least 4-6 weeks.

Ultimately, the best way to determine if liposuction is right for you is to schedule a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon. During your consultation, your surgeon will examine your areas of concern and discuss your goals for surgery. If you’re ready to get started, reach out to Ashpole Plastic Surgery today.

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