Why Businesses Use a Commercial Laundry Service

by | Dec 29, 2014 | Business

Businesses of all sizes use the services of commercial laundries to have their textiles cleaned. Whether it is a nursing home that needs towels, bedding and scrubs cleaned or a restaurant that needs clean floor mats and towels, these items not only need to be cleaned, but sterilized as well. Commercial laundry companies deal with all sorts of stains and they have to be able to get them out so their customers’ items can return to them looking pristine. Stains such as blood, urine, wine or mustard have to be removed from laundry so the items can be used repeatedly by business clients.

Cleaning commercial linens requires more than tossing items into a large washer and adding detergent. Medical laundry carries bacteria and germs that can spread serious diseases if not eliminated during the washing and drying process. Hospital items like lab coats, bedding and scrubs are cleaned with an anti-microbial sanitizer that effectively eliminates microbes such as staphylococcus au reus, methicillin resistant staphylococcus au reus that is also known as MRSA, or Klebsiella pneumoniae. Some of the microbes are resistant to antibiotics and could easily spread drug resistant diseases if linens or uniforms used in hospitals, clinics and other medical facilities are not properly cleaned.

A Commercial Laundry Service may also clean linens, mats and mops for restaurants, grocery stores and other businesses that require their use. Mats and rugs are designed to capture dirt and moisture as people walk through the doors of these businesses. Of course, the dirt and moisture makes the rugs and mats filthy, so the commercial launders pick them up, along with any other items that client uses, then replaces them with clean ones. It is too dangerous to leave the floors bare, especially during the rainy season or in the winter when the floors can easily become slippery due to the moisture on the floor. Although most hospitals take care of their own laundering needs, other medical facilities, such as a doctor’s office, a laboratory or a medical clinic may rely on a Commercial Laundry Service to clean and help rid their linens of deadly drug resistant bacteria and germs. To know more Click Here.

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