3 Essential Facts You Should Know About Modular Homes

by | Jul 27, 2018 | Construction and Maintenance

There’s a considerable difference between a modular home and a mobile home. A modular home is a home built off-site from where it’s destined to be put down when finished. It’s an entire house built from the ground up in a factory-esque building, then shipped off to wherever it needs to go. But what else is there to the story? What other need-to-know facts are there about this particular brand of housing for anyone interested in requisitioning one. If you are looking to hire a custom modular home builder in Atlantic County Area, here are the essential facts about modular homes you may not know of until reading this.

#1. Modular does not equal manufactured

Going into detail from the intro, manufactured homes (or mobile homes) are not the same as modular homes. For one, a manufactured home almost never stays on one spot, or at the very least, is not designed to do so. While there are mobile homes that will stay on one site for its entire lifespan, there’s nothing stopping you from hooking it up to a truck and driving off with it whenever you feel like it (besides, obviously, rust). A modular home, on the other hand, is designed to stay in one spot. It is a normal house, but one that was just built indoors instead of from the ground up on its designated location.

#2. Built MUCH faster

Because modular homes are built indoors, there’s considerably less of the delays, setbacks, or unforeseen complications that arise when building a house on-site. No bad weather to interfere with construction, plenty of people on hand to replace workers who get sidelined for whatever reason, and more specific codes, rules, and guidelines to follow in order to get it right the first time. All of this in mind, don’t be shocked if your new house is finished in a few weeks rather than the standard few months.

#3. Research is important

This applies to any kind of home you wish to buy, but definitely modular homes as well. Because there are so many options for customization, you’re going to see many variations on design, cost, service, and overall quality between brands and even services within each individual brand.

These three facts are the basics of what you need to know before going to buy your first modular home. There’s no better business to buy such a home from than Zarrilli Homes LLC.

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