3 Great Ways To Design Your Own T-Shirt

by | Feb 6, 2015 | Shopping

If you are a creative person, or if you have a message to send or something to promote, then designing a t-shirt is a great option. This is a fun way to really personalize your wardrobe and, while you may originally choose a t-shirt for your design, remember it can go on other types clothing.

The great news is that, even if you aren’t an artist, you can still create just the t-shirt you want from a funny message, the latest in product promotion, or simply a cool design that you want to be able to wear.

If you are worried about the actual process in making your own t-shirt design, there are three easy and very simple ways to do your first few shirts. Then, after getting the hang of it, you will probably become more comfortable in doing these things on your own and with your own particular choice of features.

Clip Art or Designed?

If you do have that artistic flair, then perhaps you may want to draw your design on your own. Remember that it is always best to draw it and view it in the actual size that you will want on the shirt, because some designs and images just don’t look as balanced when they are scaled up or down.

For those that aren’t artistic, you can always use clip art. Look for a t shirt printing company that offers clip art that you can use or, if you are using it from other locations, make sure it is open source and not protected in any way.

The Message as the Focus

If you want to use a very simple image, or if you want to make the message the focus, you can choose a unique type of font. Again, a top t-shirt printing company will offer a range of different fonts that you can choose from that will really make your message pop.

The colors that you choose for the font, as well as the font itself, are what will give an interesting and unique look to your shirt. By choosing a great image and a great message, font and color, you will have a winning design.

The T-shirt

Another way to make sure that you are going to have a top design with your t-shirt is to start with a top quality shirt. The really cheap, thin t-shirts are not going to stand up to wear and laundering and, no matter how expert the printing is, it is not going to look good for long.

On the other hand, top quality t-shirts will last for years. The printing will continue to look bold, crisp and new, and you will be able to enjoy your shirts for a long, long time.

For more tips on t-shirt printing, just visit our website. We’re online at website domain.

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