3 Reasons Injured People Should Hire Personal Injury Lawyers

by | Dec 21, 2020 | Law

Anyone who has been seriously injured in an accident or as a result of medical malpractice needs the best legal representation. Too often people try to work with insurance companies and other third parties themselves and end up settling for less than their claim is worth. This can be a financial detriment, and it’s one of the reasons injured persons should always hire Chicago personal injury lawyers.

Personal Injury Lawyers Are Excellent Negotiators

Negotiating compensation isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would do it, and do it with stellar results. Injured parties need a person on their side who has the expert negotiation skills to make sure they are financially compensated to meet their current needs as well as their future needs.

Get Better Medical Attention

Personal injury lawyers don’t only get their clients’ money for their injuries. They also have contacts in the medical field that allow them to help their clients get better medical services, so they can heal faster and with less chronic pain.

Injury Lawyers Get Claims Expedited Faster

Most personal injury claims aren’t settled in court. In fact, most are settled over the phone between the lawyers and the insurance company representative. The fact is that insurance companies settle faster and for more money once a lawyer gets involved.

How to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer

People who’ve been injured and need legal representation should schedule consultations with several Chicago personal injury lawyers to discuss their specific case. To schedule a consultation, contact Shea Law Group at https://www.shealawgroup.com.

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