3 Reasons People Search for a Chiropractor Near Me in Pleasanton

by | Dec 23, 2021 | Chiropractic Care

Chronic pain keeps many people from enjoying their lives and participating in daily activities the most people take for granted. Pain relief is one of the reasons people spend time online using search terms such as “chiropractor near me,” but it’s not the only reason. There are other benefits to visiting a chiropractor. Keep reading to learn more.

Better Sleep

Pain, everyday stressors, depression, and anxiety are a few examples of why people are struggling to get to sleep and stay asleep. So how can a chiropractor help? Surprisingly, a misaligned spine can affect a person’s sleep quality. Chiropractors can make adjustments that aid in better sleep.

Pregnancy Relief

Pregnancy takes its toll on the body. Women find themselves dealing with numerous aches and pains and have trouble getting comfortable as the pregnancy persists. Visiting the chiropractor not only helps with body aches, but the visits reduce weight gain, improve sleep quality, and even balance hormones.

Blood Pressure Regulation

A third of Americans have hypertension or high blood pressure caused by stress. It’s important to get high blood pressure under control to prevent stroke and heart disease. Chiropractic treatments that focus on releasing neck tension have been shown to reduce blood pressure.

Digestive Issues

Many people don’t realize that the digestive tract is affected by spine health. The connection is the central nervous system, to which both the spine and digestive system are attached to. People having digestive issues might find relief when visiting a chiropractor.

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