3 Reasons To Sign Up For Infant Swimming Lessons

by | Mar 5, 2024 | Swimming

Parents are often uncertain about taking infants to swimming classes at pools throughout Plano, TX. Many parents mistakenly believe that being in the water can be frightening to infants, but the reality is that with professional instructors and a parent supporting and assisting the baby, this is a fun class for all.

Infant swimming lessons in Plano, TX help parents understand how to support and help their child safely in the water as the first step in the program. Gradually, different exercises and activities are added, helping the baby and Mom to feel confident and enjoy the physical activity.

Swimming Helps Cognitive Development

One of the many benefits of infant swimming lessons, which can begin as early as six months of age, is the support of cognitive development. Babies learn to use both sides of their body in the water, which is essential in both muscle and brain development.

Swimming Helps Physical Development

Swimming is a great way for babies to expand their range of motion, develop muscle coordination, and develop stronger core muscles. At the same time, the buoyance of the water takes the strain off of growing bodies.

Unlike walking, running, or other movements, swimming is very safe, with a limited risk of injury compared to the risk of falls, sprains, or strains with other activities.

Increased Confidence and Socialization

Babies at infant swimming lessons interact with other children and parents in the pool. This is a great way to build social confidence while having a parent there to increase comfort in a new situation.

Parents in Plano, TX, will find their infant enjoys the infant swim class. Working with a top swim school ensures a positive experience for everyone.

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